Siniša Vugrek, skulpture od metala – Metal Art

OPATIJA – Siniša Vugrek exhibits at CENTER GERVAIS

The exhibition is a selection of Vugrek’s long-established work that classifies him as a representative of modern artistic expression in Croatia and Europe which is different and shows something new so far not seen.

For all tourists and art lovers, the exhibition will be opened until August 10th 2019.

Center Gervais hosts this retrospective exhibition after its premiere at the Varaždin Gallery Center 2018, Trakoscan Castle and now she has arrived in Opatija.

The exhibition “A World of Metal Sculptures” by Siniša Vugrek shows selected works of this long-established artist, who has during his career took on the roles of musician, author, constructor, innovator and entrepreneur, using motifs from nature, music and industry for his metal sculptures. The exhibition opens with the sculpture of „Minion“ created in his “workshop”, which he gave as a gift to his close family members. The exhibition also features sculptures of octopus, eagle, Jesus Christ, a woman’s silhouette, etc… All sculptures are gently constructed and shaped out of individual pieces of iron, steel and other metals.

At its best, Vugrek’s work disturbs our usual perception of woman by giving the sculpture of a woman’s silhouette an additional dimension of depth, which from every angle of view attracts attention, evokes positive emotions and stirs the imagination.

Any sense of inadequacy of the exhibition quickly fades when looking at the sculptures of a dragon, skull of Cyclops unicorn, horse, spider on the wall, metal tree, flower, desk and chair with burned motif of skull. Reverting to a deep sense of play felt throughout the exhibition, we design and create our own silhouettes out of metal; or create a sculpture from found or discarded metal items.

The exhibition closed with the same initial values. As Josip Grđan states in the charming catalogue accompanying the exhibition: “Vugrek is a versatile artist…” who encourages us to look at his sculptures with the same sense of silence, same attention, same joy invisible on the outside that we experience as children.

The obvious joy and creativity that Vugrek took over from his business activity is visible in his works. By using found metal items and discarded materials, he initially created a miniature project Scrap Metal Art, which represents sculptures of animals and motifs from nature made for his family and friends and consists of 30 sculptures, including various miniature figures and animals.