Siniša Vugrek, skulpture od metala – Metal Art

Opening of metal sculptures gallery

Siniša Vugrek - metal art

Last weekend Metal sculptures gallery was opened in Varaždin. With previous appointment, you can look and buy metal sculptures made by Siniša Vugrek – sculptor, musician and entrepreneur.

Siniša Vugrek is multi-disciplinary artist, mechanic, designer, treasure hunter and soul searcher. No matter of surface, his art has always been manifestation of personal spiritual trip.

I want to share my vision with the world in hope to inspire deeper connection with you as viewer and your personal life road. With my work and sculptures I want to encourage people to live deeply, love fearless and appreciate beautiful Earth.


Life road

With fusion of nature and metal, Siniša creates unique masterpieces.

Not so long ago, I had to spend much time outside my home since I had busy business schedule. My connection with workshop and nature inspired my art. I am deeply connected to nature, vehicles and metal so that came as great accessorize to my life since I searched more than decade for purpose in professional life. Now I visit places full of life and I am most inspired when I travel on the open road. This connection comes as result of deep spiritual actions I do through union with nature and modern world. Vehicles or sculptures, I want for my visitors to see true beauty of the world and I want to be true witness of this great existence.

Siniša is multiskilled artist with unusual sytle and one of the most interesting sculpturist in Croatia and Europe in the last few years. This atipical artist is always in front of our time doing something new and never seen before – bicycles, motors, cars and sculptures. His life is music, sculpture and making innovative bicycles and sport cars made specially for you.


He went to primary school and high school in Varaždin where he today lives, works and creates. He fell in love with music since he was little kid so he went to primary music school for violin. Siniša plays violin, bass guitar, guitar and piano. He has been playing piano for two years, bass guitar for twenty-five years and violin for six years. He learned english language in School of foreign languages Žiger and he uses it every day in professional and everyday life. Siniša is also certified internal auditor for ISO quality system in Elcon (Varaždin).


Private life

Born 29th of December 1978 in Varaždin, Siniša spent all his childhood there. Childhood friends call him Vugra. He feel in love with motors and music since his youth and he makes sculptures since he was twenty. For ten years, he played and sang in rock band, from 1996 to 2006. He is proud father of daughter Sara.


Professional life

Siniša currently works as director of shades manufacturing in Elcon. He worked for ten years as Sales manager. In his free time, he is making metal sculptures, plays guitar and sings in his band.


Future plans

Siniša is planning on exhibiting his sculptures worldwide. Since there is interest from all around the world, he wants to show his sculptures in person to his loyal visitors on webpage and Pinterest profile.



  • Car
    He is currently working on innovative vehicle concept – two seater


  • Recreational vehicle
    Teardrop Camper is in progress


  • Bicycle
    Innovative bicycle concept


  • Go-cart
    Innovative go-cart with 600 ccm power


  • Scooters
    He built innovative scooter concept with electrical drive


Gallery opening


Special guest on gallery opening was mayor Ivan Čehok. Last month Siniša gave City of Varaždin his metal guitar sculpture and they announced partnership.  Mayor told that Siniša will make special bicycle for Špancirfest, but he couldn’t tell details yet. For the last ten years, Varaždin hasn’t had public sculptures so this is ideal chance for great partnership between Siniša and City of Varaždin.